- 中纬度大气阻塞高压爆发机制

  Midlatitude block onset mechanism

- 阻塞高压与极端天气(干旱,热浪,寒潮等)的动力学关联

  Dynamical linkage between block onset and extreme weather

- 台风形成动力学 (从大尺度大气环流角度)

   Rapid intensification of typhoon from large-scale atmospheric dynamics perspective 

- 陆地与海洋风能评估

  Onshore and offshore wind resource assessment

- 全球可变精度大气模式应用于区域气候模拟

  Regional climate simulation with NCAR-LANL Modeling Prediction Across Scales (MPAS)

- 古气候动力学

  Paleoclimate dynamics for past climate such as LGM and Mid-Holocene
