This page includes book chapter,  journal articles  and data sets published by Ran's group


  1. Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, Roland Kless, Min Zhong, Yun Xiao, Liming Jiang. 2024. Studying Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance Using the Mascon Approach. 科学出版社
  2. Jiangjun Ran, Min Zhong, Houze Xu. 2015. Expected Accuracy and Requirement Analysis of China’s Future Satellite Gravity Mission (Ed.), GRACE Follow-On in China: Space advance gravity measurement program (pp. 1-14). Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Journal Articles  (* for corresponding author; # for group members, e.g., students, postdocs)


35. Shoaib Ali#, Jiangjun Ran*, Behnam Khorrami, Haotian Wu#,  Aqil Tarig, Muhammad Jehanzaib, Muhammad Mohsin Khan, Muhammad Faisal. 2024. Downscaled GRACE/GRACE-FO observation for spatial and temporal monitoring of groundwater storage variations at the localscale using machine learning. Groundwater for Sustainable Development.


34. Jiangjun Ran, Lin Liu, Guoqing Zhang, C.K. Shum, Jiahui Qiu#, Ruigang Hu#, Jianping Li, Junhuan Peng*, Cheinway Hwang, Yi Luan*, Yue Sun, Min Xu, Dingmei Chen, Jun Ding#, Yulong Zhong. 2023. Contrasting lake changes in Tibet revealed by recent multi-modal satellite observations. Science of the Total Environment. 

33. Shoaib Ali#Jiangjun Ran*, Yi Luan, Behnam Khorrami, Yun Xiao, Natthachet Tangdamrongsub. 2023. The GWR model-based regional downscaling of GRACE/GRACE-FO derived groundwater storage to investigate local-scale variations in the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment. 

32. Zhengwen Yan#Jiangjun Ran*, Yun Xiao, Zheyu Xu, Haotian Wu#, Xiao-Le Deng#, Lan Du, Min Zhong. 2023.The Temporal Improvement of Earth's Mass Transport Estimated by Coupling GRACE-FO With a Chinese Polar Gravity Satellite Mission. Journal  of  Geophysical Research Solid Earth


31. 冉将军,闫政文#,吴云龙,钟敏,肖云,楼立志,王长青.2022.下一代重力卫星任务研究概述与未来展望. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版).

30. Shuaiying Wu, Guoxiang Liu, Jiangjun Ran et al. 2022. Multitemporal mass change analysis of greenland ice sheet using variational mode decompositionGeophysical Journal International.

29. Xiao-Le Deng#, Wen-Bin Shen, Meng Yang, Michael Kuhn, Jiangjun Ran*. 2022. First-Order Derivatives of Principal and Main Invariants of Magnetic Gradient Tensor of a Uniformly Magnetized Tesseroid and Spherical ShellSurveys in Geophysics.


28. X. Deng#, W. Shen, M. Yang, Jiangjun Ran*. 2021. First-order derivatives of principal andmain invariants of gravity gradient tensor of the tesseroid and spherical shell. Journal of Geodesy

27. X. Deng#Jiangjun Ran*. 2021. Higher-order gravitational potential gradients by tensor analysis in spherical coordinates. Journal of Geodesy 95, 88 . 

26. Jiangjun Ran*,  Pavel Ditmar. 2021. Analysis and mitigation of biases in Greenland ice sheet mass balance trend estimates from GRACE mascon products. Journal  of  Geophysical Research Solid Earth

25. X  Wan, W  Han, J  Ran, W  Ma, RF Annan, B  Li. 2021. Seafloor density contrast derived from gravity and shipborne depth observations: A case study in a local area  of Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 303.

24. L  Cai, X  Wan, H  Hsu, J  Ran, X  Meng, Z  Luo, Z  Zhou. 2021. The earth’s gravity field recovery using the third invariant of the gravity gradient tensor from  GOCE. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-13.

23. X Wan, J Yu, L Liang, J Ran, RF Annan. 2021. Analysis of limitations on recovery of gravity field based on satellite gravity gradient data. Geodesy and  Geodynamics 12 (1), 31-42.


22. W. Liu#, X. Chen#Jiangjun Ran*, et al. 2020. A Novel Lightweight Multi-Task CNN for Automatically Extracting Lake Area and Shoreline from Remote Sensing Images. Remote Sensing. 

21. X. Deng#Jiangjun Ran*. 2020. Comment on"Integral formulas for transformation of potential field parameters in geosciences". Earth-Science Reviews

20. X Yang, S Tian, W Feng, Jiangjun Ran, W You, Z Jiang, X Gong. 2020. Spatio-Temporal Evaluation of Water Storage Trends from Hydrological Models over Australia Using GRACE Mascon Solutions.  Remote Sensing 12 (21), 3578.

19. Jiangjun Ran,  Natt Tangdamrongsub. Xiaoyun Wan. 2020. The impact of error covariance matrix structure of GRACE’s gravity solution on the mass flux estimates  of Greenland Ice Sheet . Advances in Space Researches


18. Groh, A.; Horwath, M.; Horvath, A.; Meister, R.; Sørensen, L.S.; Barletta, V.R.; Forsberg, R.; Wouters, B.; Ditmar, P.; Jiangjun Ran; Klees, R.; Su, X.; Shang, K.; Guo, J.; Shum, C.K.; Schrama, E.; Shepherd, A. 2019.  Evaluating GRACE Mass Change Time Series for the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheet—Methods and Results. Geosciences 2019, 9, 415.

17. Yao-Chong Sun, Makoto Uyeshima, Hengxin Ren, Qinghua Huang, Koki Aizawa, Kaori Tsukamoto, Wataru Kanda, Kaori Seki, Takahiro Kishita, Takao Ohminato, Atsushi Watanabe, Jiangjun Ran and Xiaofei Chen. 2019. Numerical simulations to explain the coseismic electromagnetic signals: a case study for a M5.4  aftershock of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. Earth Planets Space 71, 143 (2019). 

16. Yang, Y., Li, F., Hwang, C., Ding, M., Jiangjun Ran. 2019. Space‐time evolution of Greenland Ice Sheet elevation and mass from Envisat and GRACE  data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,124. 


15. Jiangjun Ran*, Miren Vizcaino, Pavel Ditmar, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Twila Moon, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Bert Wouters and Roland Klees. 2018. Seasonal mass  variations show timing and magnitude of meltwater storage in the Greenland ice sheet, The Cryosphere. 12(9), 2981-2999.

14. Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, Roland Klees et al. 2018. Statistically optimal estimation of Greenland Ice Sheet mass variations from GRACE monthly solutions using   an improved mascon approach, Journal of Geodesy92(3), 299-319.

13. Jiangjun Ran, Pavel Ditmar, Roland Klees et al. 2018. Optimal mascon geometry in estimating mass anomalies within Greenland from GRACE. Geophysical Journal  International. 214(3), 2133–2150.

12. Jiangjun Ran, Xiaoyun Wan. 2018. GRACE observed mass loss in the middle and lower Yangtze basin, Geodesy and Geodynamics. 

11. Pavel Ditmar, Natt Tangdamrongsub, Jiangjun Ran*, Roland Klees. 2018. Estimation and reduction of random noise in mass anomaly time-series from satellite gravity data by minimization of month-to-month year-to-year double differences, Journal of Geodynamics. 119, 9-22.

10. Xiaoyun Wan, Jiangjun Ran*, Shuanggen Jin. 2018. Sensitivity analysis of gravity anomalies and gradient data for bathymetry inversion. Marine Geophysical   research.  

9.  Xiaoyun Wan, Jiangjun Ran*, Jinhai Yu, Xiangchao Meng. 2018. An alternative method to improve gravity field models by incorporating GOCE gradient data. Earth Sciences Research Journal. 22(3).

8.  Tangdamrongsub, N., Han, S. C., Tian, S., Müller Schmied, H., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Jiangjun Ran, Feng, W. 2018. Evaluation of Groundwater Storage Variations  Estimated from GRACE Data Assimilation and State-of-the-Art Land Surface Models in Australia and the North China Plain. Remote Sensing, 10(3), 483. 


7.  Jiangjun Ran, Min Zhong, Houze Xu et al. 2015. Analysis of the gravity field recovery accuracy from the low-low satellite-to-satellite tracking mission. Chinese   Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 58(10): 3487-3495.

6.  Jiangjun Ran, Min Zhong, Houze Xu et al. 2014. Global temporal gravity field recovery using GRACE data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 57(4): 1032-1040.

5.  Changqing Wang, Houze Xu, Min Zhong, Wei Feng, Jiangjun Ran, Fan Yang. 2015. An investigation on GRACE temporal gravity field recovery using the dynamic approach. Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 58(3): 756-766.

4.  Changqing Wang, Houze Xu, Min Zhong, Jiangjun Ran, Jiangjun Chun. 2015. A study on the effect of ocean tides error in GRACE temporal gravity field recovery. Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 58(9): 3072-3079.

3.  Ziren Luo, Min Zhong, Xing Bian, Peng Dong, Yuhui Dong, Wei Gao, Hongyin Li, Yuqiong Li, Heshan Liu, Jiangjun Ran, Mingxue Shao, Wenlin Tang, Peng Xu, Gang Jin. Mapping Earth's gravity in space: Review and future perspective. Advances in Mechanics, 44(1): 291-337.  

2.  Jiangjun Ran, Houze Xu et al. 2012. Expected accuracy of the global gravity field for next GRACE satellite gravity mission. Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 55(9): 2898-2908.

1.  Wei You, Yunzhong Shen, Dongmin Fan, Jiangjun Ran. 2010. The algorithm of Earth's gravitational field recovery based on satellite's orbital perturbation theory. Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 53(11): 2574-2581.

Data Sets

  1.  Jiangjun Ran, Jiahui Qiu#, Ruigang Hu#. (2023). Monthly area changes of lakes greater than 30 km² on the Tibetan Plateau over 2015-2020. National Tibetan Plateau / Third Pole Environment Data Center.
