Peer-reviewed (*corresponding author; #student; postdoc)

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1.    Feng, T, R. Wang*, L. Fang, J. Wu and T. Yang (2024), Microseismic Constraints on the Mechanical State of the Anninghe-Daliangshan Fault Zone, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett. XXX(XX), XXXXXX.

2.    Kong, Q.*, W. R. Walter, R. Wang, and B. Schmandt (2024), Evaluating Physics Informed Neural Network Applications to Earthquake and Explosion Discrimination Seismol. Res. Lett. XX(X), XXX-XXX.

3.    Feng, P.#, R. Wang*, J. Sun, W. Yang, P. Chi, and X. Luo (2024), Interpretable Ensemble Machine Learning Workflow for the Permeability Predictions of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs. Geophysics XX(X), XXX-XXX.

4.    Wang, R.* E. A. Onyango, B. Schmandt and L. Worthington (2024), Basement faults in Raton Basin reactivated by waste-water injection: constraints from refined source parameters and subsurface structures. Philosophical Transactions A XX(X), XXX-XXX.

5.    Gu, J., W. Sun*, T. Yu, J. Wang, R. Wang, T. Li, and R. Schultz (2024), 'Peace River Induced Seismic Monitoring' (PRISM) nodal seismic array. Seismol. Res. Lett. XX(X), XXX-XXX.

6.    Liu Y., J. Zheng*, R. Wang, S. Peng, S. Shen, and J. Meng (2024), DMLoc: Automatic Microseismic Locating Workflow Based on Deep Learning and Waveform Migration. Seismol. Res. Lett. XX(X), XXX-XXX.

7.    Maguire, R.*, B. Schmandt, R. Wang, Q. Kong, and P. Sanchez (2024), Generalization of Deep-Learning Models for Classification of Local Distance Earthquakes and Explosions across Various Geologic Settings. Seismol. Res. Lett. XX(X), XXX-XXX.

8.    Moein, M. J., C. Langenbruch, R. Schultz, F. Grigoli, W. Ellsworth, R. Wang, A. P. Rinaldi, and S. Shapiro (2023), The Physical mechanisms of induced earthquakes Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4, 847–863.

9.    Wang, R.*, D. Yang, and Y. Chen, and C. Ren (2023), Lighting up a 1-km fault near a hydraulic fracturing well using machine-learning based picker. Seismol. Res. Lett. 94(4), 1836–1847.

10.  Stairs, R. K.*, B. Schmandt, J. P. Townsend, and R. Wang (2023), The seismic signature of a high-energy density physics laboratory and its potential for measuring time-dependent velocity structure. Seismol. Res. Lett. 94(3), 1478–1487.

11.  Zhang, F.#, R. Wang*, Y. Chen*, and Y. Chen (2022), Spatiotemporal variations in earthquake triggering mechanisms during multistage hydraulic fracturing in Western Canada. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 127(8),

12.  Jiang, C., C. Jiang*, X. Yin, R. Wang, H. Zhai, Y. Zhang, G. Lai, and F. Yin (2022), Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and application of b values in hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity (in Chinese). Seismology & Geology 44(5), https://doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2022.0

13.  Kong, Q.*, R. Wang, W. R. Walter, M. Pyle, K. Koper, and B. Schmandt (2022), Combining deep learning with physics extracted features in explosion-earthquake discrimination. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49(13),

14.  Zhang, M.*, M. Liu, T. Tian, R. Wang, and W. Zhu (2022), LOC-FLOW: An end-to-end machine-learning-based high-precision earthquake location workflow. Seismol. Res. Lett. 93 (5), 2426–2438.

15.  Zhou, WY.*, M. Hao, J. S. Zhang*, B. Chen, R. Wang, and B. Schmandt (2022), Constraining composition and temperature variations in the mantle transition zone. Nature Comm. 13, 1094.

16.  Li, T., Y. J. Gu, J. Wang, R. Wang*, J. Yusifbayov, M. Canales, and T. Shipman (2021), Earthquakes induced by wastewater disposal near Musreau Lake, Alberta, 2018–2020. Seismol. Res. Lett. 93 (2A), 727–738.

17.  Wang, R.*, B. Schmandt, M. Holt, and K. Koper (2021), Advancing Local Distance Discrimination of Explosions and Earthquakes with Joint P/S and ML-MC Classification. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48(23),

18.  Glasgow, M.*, B. Schmandt, R. Wang, M. Zhang, S. L. Bilek, and E. Kiser (2021), Raton Basin induced seismicity is hosted by networks of short basement faults and mimics tectonic earthquake statistics. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 126(11),

19.  Shen, L. W.*, D. R. Schmitt, R. Wang, and T. E. Hauck (2021), States of in-situ stress in the Duvernay East Shale Basin and Willesden Green of Alberta, Canada: variable in-situ stress states effect fault stability, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 126(6),

20.  Qiu, Y., L. Fang*, R. Wang, and C. Jiang (2021), “Traffic light" system and its application in induced earthquake monitoring (in Chinese), Earthquake Research in China. 37(2), 124.

21.  Zhang, M.*, M. Liu, A. Plourde, F. Bao, R. Wang, and J. Gosse (2021), Source characterization for two small earthquakes in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada: pushing the limit of single station, Seismol. Res. Lett. 92 (4): 2540–2550.

22.  Chen, Y.*, Y. J. Gu, F. Mohammed, J. Wang, M. D. Sacchi, R. Wang, and B. Nguyen (2021), Crustal attenuation beneath western North America: Implications for slab subduction, terrane accretion and arc magmatism of the Cascades, Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett. 560(15), 116783.

23.  Koper, K.*, M. Holt, J. Voyles, R. Burlacu, M. Pyle, R. Wang, and B. Schmandt (2021), Discrimination of small earthquakes and buried single-fired chemical explosions at local distances (<150 km) in the western U. S. from comparison of local magnitude (M­L) and coda duration magnitude (MC), Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 111(1), 558–570.

24.  Wang, R.*, B. Schmandt, and E. Kiser (2020), Seismic discrimination of controlled explosions and earthquakes near Mount St. Helens using P/S ratios, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth. 125(10),

25.  Wang, R.*, B. Schmandt, M. Zhang, M. Glasgow, and E. Kiser (2020), Injection-induced earthquakes on complex fault zones of the Raton Basin illuminated by machine-learning phase picker and dense nodal array, Geophys. Res. Lett. 47(14),

26.  Schultz, R.* & R. Wang (2020), Newly emerging cases of hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity in the Duvernay East Shale Basin, Tectonophysics 779, 228393.

27.  Li, T., Y. J. Gu*, Z. Wang*, R. Wang, Y. Chen, T. Song, and R. Wang (2019), Spatiotemporal Variations in Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Surrounding the Induced Earthquakes near Fox Creek. Geophys. Res. Lett. 46(10), 5180–5189.

28.  Wang, R.*, Y. J. Gu, R. Schultz, and Y. Chen (2018), Faults and non-double-couple components for induced earthquakes, Geophys. Res. Lett. 45(17), 8966–8975.

29.  Gu, Y.J., Y. Chen*, R. Dokht, and R. Wang (2018), Precambrian tectonic discontinuities in western Laurentia: a broadband seismological perspective on the Snowbird and Great Falls Tectonic Zones, Tectonics 37(5), 1411–1434.

30.  Wang, R.*, Y. J. Gu, R. Schultz, M. Zhang, and A. Kim (2017), Source characteristics and geological implications of a M4.1 induced earthquake near Crooked Lake, Alberta, Geophys. J. Int. 210(2), 979–988,

31.  Schultz, R.*, R. Wang, Y. J. Gu, and G. Atkinson (2017), A seismological overview of the induced earthquakes in the Duvernay play near Fox Creek, Alberta, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 22(1), 492–505,

32.  Wang, R.*, Y. J. Gu, R. Schultz, A. Kim, and G. Atkinson (2016), Source analysis of a potential hydraulic-fracturing-induced earthquake near Fox Creek, Alberta, Geophys. Res. Lett. 43(2), 564–573,

33.  Wang, X*, Y. Guo, S. Guo, R. Wang, Diagenesis features and favorable reservoir prediction of FI1 oil layer in north Qijia (in Chinese), Petroleum Geology and Oilfield Development in Daqing. 31(4), 16.

Non peer-reviewed

34.  Wang, R.*, M. Weingarten, C. Langenbruch, and H. R. DeShon (2020), Introduction to special issue on the observations, mechanisms and hazards of induced seismicity, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 110(5), 19992004,
