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2. 吴晗, 陈涛, Kalegaev 等. 同步轨道相对论电子通量长期倒空事件的统计研究. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64(6): 1842-1856. DOI:10.6038/cjg2021O0140

3. 吴晗, 陈涛, 李仁康 等. 锡林浩特市火山地质公园平台山顶近地面大气电场变化的特征. 空间科学学报, 2020, 40(3): 357-363. DOI:10.11728/cjss2020.03.357

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6. 陈涛, 张效信, 张学民, 靳小兵, 吴晗, 提烁. 利用区域大气静电场监测网临震预估地震灾害. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64(4): 1145-1154. DOI:10.6038/cjg2021O0129

7. Chen, T., Li, L., Zhang, XX., Ma, QM., Li, W., Ti, S., Wu, H., et al. Near-epicenter weather conditions several hours before strong earthquakes (Ms ≥ 6). Natural Hazards 2021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-021-04907-2


1. 2020.02 第15届“太阳系中的等离子体物理”会议(莫斯科) Long-term dropout of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt during two continual geomagnetic storms

2. 2019.12 莫斯科大学“宇宙线天体物理学和空间物理学”研讨会(莫斯科) Long-term dropout of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt during two continual geomagnetic storms

3. 2019.05 第18届“全国日地空间物理学研讨会”(西宁) Unusual long term dropout of relativistic electrons during two successive magnetic storms

4. 2018.11 第14届“中-俄空间天气研讨会”(海口) Physical phenomena and explanations of relativistic electron long-time dropout event caused by two consecutive small storms

5. 2018.10 第5届“中国地球科学联合学术年会”(北京) The characteristics of the relativistic electron long-time dropouts in the outer radiation belt

6. 2017.07 AGU_“Chapman Conference on Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions”(成都) Synchronous orbit relativistic electron flux one-week dropout
