
PHY203-15 数学物理方法(本科生,春)

Course contents: 

           Complex numbers, Polar representation of complex numbers, de Moivre's theorem

           Complex logarithms and complex powers, Hyperbolic functions

           Functions of a complex variable, The Cauchy-Riemann relations

           Power series, Multivalued functions and branch cuts, Singularities and zeros of complex functions

           Complex integrals, Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula

           Taylor and Laurent series, Residue theorem, Contour integration

           Important partial differential equations, General and particular solutions

           The wave equation, The diffusion equation, Characteristics and the existence of solutions

           Separation of variables, Superposition of separated solutions

           Second-order linear ordinary differential equations

           Series solutions about an ordinary point, Series solutions about a regular singular point

           Legendre functions, Associated Legendre functions

           Spherical harmonics

           Bessel functions

ESS209 固体地球物理学原理(本科生,秋)
Course contents: 


           The Earth as a planet

           The Earth's gravity and shape

           The Earth's age and heat




           Seismic waves

           The internal structure of the Earth

           The theory of plate tectonics

           Observational techniques

           Signal processing and data interpretation

           Scaling analysis

           Analogue experiments

           Numerical experiments

           Numerical methods

           Forward and inverse modeling

           Big data and machine learning


GEOL 240: Earthquakes

CORE 103: The Process of Change in Science
