







 2024.04      至今,副教授,南方科技大学 











 AGU OSPA 顾问成员 (2021)



·  Luo, H., Ma, Z., Zeng, H., & Wei, S.# (2024). The 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto Earthquake, shallow rupture with a stagnant initiation in a fluid-rich immature fault zone (No. EGU24-22563). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024.

·  Luo, H.# (2024). Deformation Cycles in a Viscoelastic Earth: Development of the Secondary Zone of Subsidence during Interseismic Deformation of Subduction Earthquakes. Geological Survey of Canada-Pacific Geoscience Centre seminar, 2024.

·  Luo, H.#, & Wang, K. (2023). Complex postseismic vertical motion following megathrust earthquakes explained by simple mechanisms. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023. (in session TS3.6 “Inter- and intraplate seismicity in subduction zones”)

·  Luo, H.#, & Wang, K. (2021). Slab subduction vs. slab window: structural and rheological contrasts reflected in uplift measurements north and south of the Chile Triple Junction. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2021. (Invited eLightning presentation)

